
这取决于布法罗大学教师进行的研究类型, 教职员及学生, UB provides guidelines in response to specific regulations in order to maintain/uphold research ethics and compliance requirements.

Participants in the Forum contribute to the Journal of Global Development and Peace as well as to other scholarly publications. The International College’s Monthly Faculty Roundtable provides a venue for faculty to present papers and receive feedback for academic peers. The Monthly Roundtable is conducted from September through April and it is open to the University community and to other invited guests.


乌兰巴托的 Institutional Review Boards (IRB) are responsible for the review and approval of all proposed research involving human subjects at 正规的网赌平台. Such proposed research activities must be approved by the designated IRB prior to the collection of any data or conducting any experiments. UB subscribes to CITI Program’s courses in 人类受试者研究 for required training.


建议的研究可以豁免, 加急(单个IRB成员审核), 或要求全面召集的IRB进行审查. 这是由IRB管理员与IRB联合主席协商确定的. The fully convened IRB meets four times a semester on set dates to review faculty and student research proposals determined to require full board review. 布法罗大学的人类研究保护计划是符合美国.S. 卫生和公众服务部的联邦法规 45 CFR 46.


如果你是一个博士生 调查猴子进行研究,常见问题可以在这里找到.

如果你是一个硕士生利用 调查猴子的一篇论文,常见问题可以在这里找到.

如果你不确定你提议的研究的状态,发电子邮件 irb@reverse-mortgage-explained.com.


The University is committed to maintaining safe conditions in the use of biological specimens and agents for learning, 教学, 研究环境. 生物安全干事与学术单位合作, 研究人员, and facilities personnel to ensure that 教职员及学生 are protected from exposure to 传染性病原体, 防止环境污染, 并遵守联邦法律, 状态, 以及地方法规. UB subscribes to CITI Program’s courses in 生物安全 and Biosecurity for required training.

对于研究,UB的 院校生物安全委员会 is responsible for assessing and approving the biosafety containment level for proposed research involving recombinant DNA, 合成核酸分子和其他有潜在危险的生物制剂.


Federal regulations require institutions to have policies and procedures in place to ensure that investigators disclose Significant Financial Interests that may present an actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to externally sponsored research. 此类披露必须在提交资助和资助提案之前进行, 在实际利益冲突的情况下, the institution must develop a specific mechanism by which the conflict of interest will be satisfactory managed, 减少, 或在颁奖或接受颁奖前被淘汰.

乌兰巴托的 利益冲突政策及表格可在此查阅.


The prompt and open dissemination of the results of research and creative work among scholars and, 最终, to the public at large is essential to the University's mission of education and research. A clear 状态ment of ownership of intellectual property and the allocation of rights and privileges regarding such property within the University community is intended to enable each participating student and employee to thrive in the University’s academic environment. The commercial development and distribution of the results of research and creative work to benefit the inventor or creator and the economy is part of the University's mission of public service. The 正规的网赌平台’s 知识产权 政策 is intended to facilitate the development of intellectual property arising at the University and to provide an incentive to University inventors or creators to participate in such development while acknowledging the University's primary goal of the discovery and dissemination of knowledge.

乌兰巴托的 知识产权政策及表格可在此查阅.


The University recognizes the biological and biomedical research offers great opportunities for a better understanding of biological mechanisms and pathways that lead to targeted and more effective therapies for diseases and harmful conditions. 因此, working at an appropriate biosafety containment level and with the appropriate safety precautions is essential for mitigating those risks.

乌兰巴托的 院校生物安全委员会 (IBC) is responsible for the review and approval of all proposed research involving involves the use of recombinant DNA, 传染性病原体, 以及其他存在安全风险的潜在危险生物制品和化学品. 这样的研究计划必须在研究开始之前得到IBC的批准. UB的IBC在NIH的科学政策办公室注册.

The IBC adheres to NIH’s Guidelines for 研究 Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules and all pertinent requirements for research. 因此, the 院校生物安全委员会's primary responsibility is to work with its 研究人员 to ensure that research involving the criteria described above is carried out accordingly.

研究ers who propose to conduct biological and biomedical research are required to submit an application to the IBC for review and approval prior to initiating the proposed research.


如果您有其他问题或想提交完整的申请,请发送电子邮件 ibc@reverse-mortgage-explained.com.


负责任的研究行为, 以其缩写RCR而闻名, 被广泛定义为“诚信的科学调查实践”.“研究诚信办公室(隶属于美国联邦调查局).S. Department of Health and Human Services) identifies nine core instructional areas for RCR:

  • 科研不端行为
  • 人体受试者的保护
  • 实验动物的福利
  • 利益冲突
  • 数据管理实务
  • 导师和学员职责
  • 合作研究
  • 作者及发表
  • 同行评审

The University promotes the education and practice of the responsible conduct of research. 以学科为中心的RCR教学(生物医学), 社会和行为, 物理科学, 人文学科, 工程, or administrators) is available to the UB community through its subscription to CITI 正规的网赌平台. 除了, 申请国家科学基金资助, 所有教师, 本科生, 研究生, and postdoctoral 研究人员 who will be supported by NSF to conduct research are required to complete UB-designated training prior to conducting the research. 对于需要RCR培训的NIH拨款, specified personnel are required to complete CITI 正规的网赌平台 training and face-to-face, 亲自培训,以满足NIH RCR教育要求.

UB与研究诚信有关的政策,即.e., 负责任的研究政策, 政策, 研究不端行为的程序, 人类受试者保护计划, 和财务利益冲突政策 可以在这里找到.
